Job Interview Guide

March 16, 2012 by · Leave a Comment  

Getting to Know Your Candidates

The setup: Breaking the Ice

When you meet applicants, try your best to make them comfortable, using a friendly but professional attitude. Make sure to thank the applicant for his or her interest in the advertised position.


“By the way, was there anything in particular that interested you in this position (job ad)?

That can be a good first question to start a dialogue. Starting your question with “By the way …”, “How about …” and “I was curious about …” makes it sound less intimidating and almost unimportant. Use this technique, and the applicant may provide you with a lot more information than you’ve anticipated.

Try to think about interview as a “getting to know you” meeting. Many candidates feel stressed and intimidated before and during an interview. If you can put them at ease during the first 5-10 minutes, your time with them will be a lot more productive. Read more >>

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Gary plays a key role in leading and defining solutions to help companies overcome “people challenges” to create productive, engaging and prosperous workplaces. Twenty years of business experience including management and human resources, working with small companies and Fortune 500 firms gives Gary a solid “hands-on” knowledge of the industry. His passion is to promote ideas, solutions and technology that inspire excellence at a workplace and creates positive change. Gary’s primary focus is the development of business solutions to help companies evaluate, select and develop the very best people. In addition to managing a team and overseeing custom program development for the client, Gary works to increase each company’s productivity and employee engagement by implementing wide range of evaluation tools and strong system of support.

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